The 70s shaped my life and taught me to stand for my rights

So I was talking to a friend the other day about what is going on in this country. It was kind of funny because of the books and movies that we mentioned. We both have read A Brave New World numerous times. Thanks to a high school teacher who introduced us to that book. Then, Margaret Atwood’s book A Handmaiden Tale came up because of the sexism that is alive and well in this country. I remembered a movie from the 70s that I saw that really impacted me and probably is the reason why I am pro-choice. I saw the other side of the argument where you could not be allowed to have children. That movie was ZPG (Zero Population Growth.) But, what is interesting about all the movies and books we discussed is that all were about taking our rights away and having us act robotically. We are not allowed to think for ourselves. Is that what we want in this country? Do you really want the government to make choices for you on most aspects of your lives? Or do you want to be unique individuals who are wise enough to make your own choices? It is all up to you whether you support losing your rights or standing up for democracy.

Sad realization

I just finished watching Jon Voight on Glenn Beck. I remember him from back in his leftie days and I have been surprised that he is now more on the right side. Glenn Beck asked him about what changed him. As he talked about the realization of protesting against the Vietnam War and then watching those who were against the war just walking away from the killing that occurred after in Vietnam after the war is what changed him. I realized something, I hate to admit that I just figured it out considering that I consider myself of child of history. But, in my defense Vietnam was never taught to me as history and it wasn’t a current event either. It was virtually ignored while I was growing up. But, what I sadly realized is that those who protested against the war did not do so because of the soldiers who gave their lives, they did so because they were against the democracy of the USA. They wanted the communists to win, and when they did they were done.

Now, the are at it again. Not out there getting mad about the war but against democracy.

What a sad future we will have if we let them protest our democracy away

How TARP is changing how they do business

One bank has decided to return TARP money. Seems they have decided that the restrictions being placed on the bank will hurt it since it is currently profitable. This could be something we see more of in the future. I applaud them for their decision and I hope others follow them by deciding to return money rather than let the government tell them how they will do business.

Returning TARP money

Here is another article about the impact on government money is impacting how companies do business and the trickle down affect it is having on the economy. I saw this first hand after 9/11 when people were not dining out or traveling as much. It isn’t just the restaurants or hotels that are impacted, because their vendors end up losing business because they don’t need the services or products. Eventually, this will affect you because at some level you will be impacted. You may not work for a hotel or restaurant and you may not work for a company that is a vendor in this industry, but you could work for a company that provides services to one of their vendors or you could work for one of the companies down the line that end up getting impacted because they aren’t selling as many rooms or meals.

Companies stop travel incentives as rewards

Note that this article is not about the those at the top taking the trips, it is about rewarding those who have worked hard and met their targets getting rewarded.

I Believe

This picture has given me hope again.  It is those who seem to be talked about but not to by Obama/Biden are going to come out. 

This picture comes from this post.

We all have ancestors who came to this country to live the American Dream and to give freedom to their children.  I have a love of history and find it sad that people don’t look at the history of this country or even the history of their own family to see what the future should hold.  It seems to me that at the same time there are people who are eaten up with jealousy of those who have succeeded or who’s family has succeeded.  Rather than put that jealousy into something to make their life better, they put it into bringing down those who are successful. 

Strange realization has come from this picture and my own current life experiences.  It is the reason why I never really pursued a phd.  I had the realization that I would be studying what someone else wanted me to do not my own thing.  When I tried to write a paper for entry into a phd program I realized I was trying to write what I thought they wanted me to say not what I wanted to say.  In that I realized I couldn’t go in that direction.